
Sunday Mar 24, 2019
Working together on the aging issue
Sunday Mar 24, 2019
Sunday Mar 24, 2019
Radio Guest: Ted Hillson
Ted Hillison is a regional ambassador for Aging 2.0. He has a professional background in business and banking and is using those skills, experience, and connections to provide leadership for this national initiative – and doing it on a regional level.
There are over 100 million Americans over the age of 50, with 10,000 joining us every day. There are constant changes in needs and solutions, but there is no unified effort to bring everything together to work in harmony, coordinating the entities with the information and application of each individual part. In this episode, we get a start at understanding what the mission of Aging 2.0 is, and we begin to get a peek at how it can benefit all of us: businesses, organizations, and individuals.

Monday Mar 04, 2019
Who pays the price when you don’t prepare?
Monday Mar 04, 2019
Monday Mar 04, 2019
Radio Guest: Annie Duhrkoop and Dennis Catmull
Annie Duhrkoop is the wife and caregiver of Mark Duhrkoop, who suffered a life-changing stroke. Annie continues to figure out how to make life work for the family, and is seeking to renew the services and activities of Return Ministries which they had both committed their lives to. Dennis Catmull is Chairman of the Board of Return Ministries.
We’ve all had things barge into our lives that we weren’t prepared for. We can’t be ready for everything that happens to us, but some of those things can leave damaging, even devastating results. Hear the story of one family’s journey of faith and courage following such an event. And hear the heartfelt appeal to you to prepare for some of life’s unknown possibilities. Think it can’t happen to you? Neither did they! https://secondhalfnow.com/

Sunday Feb 24, 2019
The best news ever, and what to do with it
Sunday Feb 24, 2019
Sunday Feb 24, 2019
Radio Guest: Peter Kozushko
Dr. Peter Kozushko is Senior Associate Pastor at Countryside Community Church in Sherwood, Oregon. He oversees the evangelism and discipleship ministries of the church that serves some 1,200 people. He equips and motivates members to understand, love, live, and share the true meaning of the Gospel.
In the second half of life, we love good news. In fact, we crave it. It’s hard to imagine life without a reasonable dose of good news. There is news, then there is really good news. It should be no surprise that as a pastor Dr. Dan sees a strong connection between the really good news that God offers and being able to live a life of meaning and purpose. This is what he talks about on this show with guest Peter Kozushko. Just what is that really good news? And how does that help people live a life that matters? https://secondhalfnow.com

Sunday Feb 17, 2019
God is calling; will you answer?
Sunday Feb 17, 2019
Sunday Feb 17, 2019
Radio Guest: Doug Hoffman
One of the penetrating questions we need to ask ourselves is, “Why am I here?” Knowing the answer to that question makes all the difference in the world. It determines what we value and how we spend our time and our resources. Doug Hoffman tells of his journey in hearing God’s calling and what He is doing now in answer to that call. Listen for insights on how you can hear God’s calling, and how life changes in big ways when you answer.
Doug Hoffman is former President and CEO or Wilco Farm Stores with 900 employees and 26 locations. How he developed leadership and relational skills, along with a heart of compassion, uniquely prepared him for what he is doing now “in retirement”. He now serves as Executive Director of Mercy, Inc., a global Christian organization creating healthy and thriving communities mentally, physically, and spiritually. https://secondhalfnow.com/

Sunday Feb 10, 2019
Transitions: Friend or Foe?
Sunday Feb 10, 2019
Sunday Feb 10, 2019
Radio Guest: Scott Golphenee
By the time we get to the second half of life, we have been through many changes. Life has not turned out to be the way we had thought or hoped it would. Through pain and darkness and the fear of the unknown, we have had to deal with very difficult transitions. Other changes have been welcomed and wonderful. So if you’re not in the middle of a significant transition right now, just wait; another one is surely on the way. How we respond to transition in our life will determine how happy and productive we will be. Here’s some help. https://secondhalfnow.com/

Sunday Feb 03, 2019
A life that matters . . . or not: it’s your choice!
Sunday Feb 03, 2019
Sunday Feb 03, 2019
Radio Guest: Sam Haley
The goal and mission of Second Half Now is to “help today’s 50-plus American live a life that matters”. What exactly does that mean, and how do we go about doing that? Sam Haley helps us get a handle on that by discussing his own personal journey and his deep personal conviction that a life of purpose and meaning is the only life worth living. https://secondhalfnow.com/

Sunday Jan 27, 2019
The key to a healthy life: get moving!
Sunday Jan 27, 2019
Sunday Jan 27, 2019
Radio Guest: Rowanne Haley
By the time we get to 50 and beyond we have some pretty “set-in-our-ways” habits. Some of those habits serve us well, others, not so much. It may surprise you that some of the most beneficial habits are really rather simple. Maybe not easy, but simple. Physical exercise will enhance our happiness, our heart health, and our brain function. Here are some very practical helps to form and keep some good habits of physical movement and exercise. https://secondhalfnow.com/

Sunday Jan 20, 2019
Do what you love, and make money doing it
Sunday Jan 20, 2019
Sunday Jan 20, 2019
Radio Guest: Jackie B. Peterson
In the second half of life, most of us will need to have an ongoing income. But we don’t necessarily need to keep working the same job we’ve been working at. In fact, we may not have to work a job as someone else’s employee at all. The new revolution for Boomers and Seniors is finding what we love or what we’re really good at and learning how to make money doing it. Get some insights right here. http://secondhalfnow.com/

Monday Jan 14, 2019
A life of meaning and purpose is possible, but it’s not automatic
Monday Jan 14, 2019
Monday Jan 14, 2019
Radio Guest: Rowanne Haley
We have choices in the second half of life. We can choose to live a life of meaning and purpose – or not. As they say, not to decide is to decide. That means that if we don’t choose to live a life that matters, we are actually choosing to live a life that doesn’t. Rowanne Haley helps us get a handle on structure, purpose and meaning, and she shares the “Five Pillars” that will help us be passionate and productive in the second half of life. https://secondhalfnow.com/

Monday Dec 24, 2018
Growing through loss and grief
Monday Dec 24, 2018
Monday Dec 24, 2018
Radio Quest: Joanne Petrie
By the time we get into the second half of life, we have all experienced loss of various kinds. Loss of a loved one, loss of a marriage, a job, a friend, a prized possession, a relationship, a business, a dream, a beloved pet. . . . any of these can have a serious impact on our life. How we respond to each loss will have a powerful shaping influence on how we live the rest of our lives. Here are some helps for finding hope and happiness through times of loss. https://secondhalfnow.com/