Thursday Jan 22, 2015
Trauma and drama: how to respond, how to prepare
Thursday Jan 22, 2015
Thursday Jan 22, 2015
One of the passengers on the only plane ever to take a mid-air terrorist bomb explosion and still land with survivors, Jeanette knows about trauma and drama. Her miraculous story and many others form the content of her recently-released book, “Extravagant Graces: 23 Inspirational Stories of Facing Impossible Odds”. Jeanette interviewed many prominent people to get the inside of their stories, and how they were recipients of God’s “extravagant grace”.
Monday Jan 19, 2015
Finding the ‘right place’ for an aging loved one: here’s help!
Monday Jan 19, 2015
Monday Jan 19, 2015
There comes a time for many families when they have to start thinking about finding a senior residence for a loved one. Or a place where a family member can be safe, and have their health and medical needs taken care of. Where do you even start? How complicated is this process, and how long will it take to find the “right place”? Is there anyone who can help, and how much would it cost to get that kind of professional assistance? These are the questions discussed in this program . . . and you’re going to like the answers!
Monday Jan 12, 2015
When the shift hits the fan: learning to embrace change as your friend
Monday Jan 12, 2015
Monday Jan 12, 2015
The only “constant” in life is change. Or to say it another way, “constant change is here to stay”. Life is about change: some we choose, some we don’t. Some we like, some we don’t. Some changes can launch us into new adventures, some drive us into frustration and despair. How we respond to change is the critical key. It has a huge impact on our happiness, our sense of well being, and our relationships. Since change is coming anyway, it makes sense to learn how to handle it. In fact, not just to accept it, but to embrace it.
Wednesday Dec 24, 2014
Wednesday Dec 24, 2014
Gordon was a healthy and successful businessman with a happy family and a good life. Then one day he had a massive stroke, and everything changed. Everything. On the long road of recovery, which is by no means over, life is different, and God is faithful. Hear the extraordinary story of weakness and strength, brokenness and healing, despair and faith. These powerful insights will help you deal with tragedy – yours or someone else’s.
Tuesday Dec 23, 2014
Considering major changes for an aging family member? Where do you start?
Tuesday Dec 23, 2014
Tuesday Dec 23, 2014
The older we get, the harder it is to endure change. Especially changes that we don’t necessarily welcome and don’t choose to make for ourselves. But when a loved one needs to make some fundamental changes, especially ones that affect their living conditions, location, independence, or safety and health, the entire family is affected, and the road can be pretty bumpy. Knowing how to approach these changes and how to discuss them together can be much simpler if we have help. Family members may not always agree, but there can be peaceful resolution.
Monday Dec 15, 2014
Smart and simple plans for your retirement finances
Monday Dec 15, 2014
Monday Dec 15, 2014
Eighty percent of Americans would rather die than outlive their money. So, if you are approaching retirement or if you’re already there, it is really important to be smart about handling all your assets so that you can maximize your income and minimize your outgo. How can you create a guaranteed income in retirement? How can you legally use the tax code to your benefit? How can you make decisions now to leave a legacy that will bless others after you’re gone?
Monday Sep 01, 2014
Want a fulfilling life? Be a giver!
Monday Sep 01, 2014
Monday Sep 01, 2014
Most Americans believe that the way to a secure and satisfying life is to accumulate and protect your assets. Sounds reasonable, but is it true? The Bible and some real-life examples suggest a different way. Steve Stratos makes the case that the path to a fulfilling and rewarding life is generosity. How can that be? How can giving things away bring us a better life? He makes the case on this program. Listen and see what you think.
Monday Aug 18, 2014
A chat with the chaplain
Monday Aug 18, 2014
Monday Aug 18, 2014
For over 30 years Al Egg has been Chaplain for the NBA Portland Trailblazers. He leads a chapel service for the Blazers and the visiting team at every home game. His wife Andy leads a chapel service for the Blazer Dancers. What do they talk about? How do successful, wealthy professional athletes respond to the Christian faith, and what does the Bible have to say to them . . . and to all of us?
Monday Aug 11, 2014
What is true wealth, anyway?
Monday Aug 11, 2014
Monday Aug 11, 2014
If true wealth was just about having lots of money, the richest people would be the happiest. We don’t have to look very far to see that that’s just not the case. OK, if there’s more to wealth than money, what else is there? This show presents an acronym: W-E-A-L-T-H. How wealthy are you by these standards? Listen closely and see if you agree.